Maria Church
• 15 + years teaching experience (BA Hons with QTS)
• Previously designated safeguarding officer.
• Previously an Assistant Headteacher, Raising Standards lead and part of the senior leader team.
• Specialist in raising attainment by identifying gaps in knowledge and making rapid progress.
• 10 + years tutoring experience with expectational high success rate.
• Transition and support for secondary schools
• Successful teacher appeals using supporting evidence from Year 5 class work to make strong cases.
• 10 + years teaching Year 5 & 6 with preparation for 11+ Kent & Medway Test and SATs.
• Led workshops and consultations for parents to support learning at home (including 11+ Kent & Medway Test).
• National Professional Qualification in leading teacher development; understanding of psychology of how we learn best and retain new information.
• Writing moderator for Kent.
• Feedback from Ofsted, “Outstanding questioning to develop deep routed knowledge and understanding”.