Payment Requirement: The first session must be paid in full upfront to secure the booking. This payment acts as confirmation of your intent to engage our services.
Payment Methods: Tuition fees can be paid on a weekly or termly basis using contactless payment, cash, or bank transfer (Sort Code 04-00-03, Account Number 78440159). Payment should be received within 48 hours of the lesson.
Cancellation Policy: Please notify us at least 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel a lesson. If you provide up to 48 hours’ notice, 50% of the fees will be payable. If you give 24 hours’ notice or less, 100% of the fees will be payable. If you cancel a lesson with a minimum of seven days’ (one week) notice, no fees will be payable, and rescheduling the session is not necessary. These terms apply to a maximum of three cancellations during the academic year.
Rescheduling: If a student is unable to attend a booked session and provides more than 48 hours’ notice but less than 7 days’ notice, no fee will be payable by the parent/carer if an alternate date and time can be agreed upon, which is mutually convenient for both tutor and the student/parent. If a student is unable to attend a booked session with more than 48 hours’ notice but less than 7 days’ notice and rescheduling the session is not possible, the decision of whether a partial payment of fees is payable will be at the discretion of Future Minds Tuition.
Holiday Sessions: Booking sessions for school holidays will be communicated by Future Minds Tuition with a minimum of two weeks’ notice, providing various dates and time slots. Booking will be based on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no obligation for pupils to attend sessions during school holidays. A minimum of 3 weeks’ notice will be given if the tutor has holiday booked during term-time that will affect sessions.
Fee Adjustment: Fees are periodically reviewed, and any changes will take effect from the start of the new academic term, with at least one month’s notice of any increase.
Termination of Lessons: To terminate lessons with Future Minds Tuition, a fourteen-day notice period and written confirmation are required. This notice period is accepted with the understanding that the pupil will continue for two additional paid lessons after servicing the notice. This allows Future Minds Tuition sufficient time to offer the slot to another student. If the pupil needs to stop lessons immediately, a cancellation charge will be payable.
Limitation of Liability: While our goal is to provide the best possible tuition service, Future Minds Tuition cannot be held accountable or responsible for the academic success or lack thereof demonstrated by the pupil.
Acceptance: By making payment for the initial session, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.